My love affair with the garden began with a few herbs.
I wish I could say I grew up chasing farm animals, foraging herbs in the woods and spending my summers in the garden with my grandmother; but that is just not the story of my childhood. I did not find my love and passion for the garden until after I was married and had my boys. Gene and I spent the first 6 years of our marriage earning our college degrees, punching time clocks and raising babies. In 1996, we were finally able to purchase our first home. It was an older home built in 1948 in a quaint little neighborhood in the center of Alabama...
The Just Dig It Farms Medicinal Herb Collection
The Just Dig It Farms Deluxe & Premium Herb Collections are hand-curated, comprehensive collections of some of my favorite medicinal herb seeds. You can continue to enjoy these herbs year after year.
To help you learn more about Medicinal Herbs and enhance the Premium and Deluxe Seed Collections I have created Herb Profiles which include the herbs history, planting guide, uses, recipes, and more!
I will be releasing more of these throughout the year.
Sign up for "Let's Dig In" our newsletter to be notified when new Herb Profiles and more are available!
Curated for those who would like to branch out into more unique varieties of medicinal herbs.
This herb collection is a great starter for those who would like to get started in medicinal herb growing.
Show your love of herbs! These unique designs feature herbs from both collections.
Herb Profiles

Garden Sage | Herb Profile

Tulsi/Holy Basil | Herb Profile

Spilanthese/Lemon Drop | Herb Profile

Peppermint | Herb Profile

Lemon Balm | Herb Profile